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Networth that outlives you

Livewise allows you to securely store your key financial info like

Assets, Liabilities & Insurances

and ensures it gets to your nominee after you are gone

There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for our signature touch.

How It Works ?

At Livewise, we understand how important security and convenience are when it comes to your finances. Data safety is our top priority.

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1. Add Nominees and Financial Info

The Livewise mobile app provides a conventient way to record details about your various assets & liabilities and insurances. You can specify a primary & secondary nominee. 

We support all major currencies. 

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2. Track your Net Worth

The charts allow you to visually analyze how your Net Worth is spread and how its growing with time. You can really drill down and specify value of an assets as it was on given dates.  

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3. Are you alive?

The app invites you to login periodically. After 45 days of inactivity, we try to reach out to you via automated notification on the app, sms and emails. If we really can't get to you, maybe something is not right. 

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4. We reaching out to the Nominee

Our Automated systems reach out to the primary nominee to know if the user is alright. If otherwise, we request the nominee to initiate information retrieval by sharing relevant docs

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5. Nominee Sends us Death Certificate and ID proof

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6. We share with Nominee a Detailed Document with all the user's info

Nominee needs to send the Death Certificate and an identity proof. If Primary Nominee does not respond within specified time- we reach out to Secondary Nominee. 

Our team verifies the death certificate and then the system generates a comprehensive summary of all your financial data stored with us and hands it securely to the nominee.  

Worried about your Data ?

1. We never read your data

2. We don't share it with Third parties

3. No Ads. No recommendations

What Nominee Gets ?

Nominee receives a detailed document with overall financials, insurance details, and categorized assets and liabilities. Each entry includes specific fields, dates, and amounts in the user's specified currency.

Our Users Say

"I can't thank Livewise enough for its proactive approach to financial security. The life-checkin and notification system ensures I stay on top of my finances and, in case of any unexpected event, my nominees will be informed promptly. It's like having a personal financial guardian in your pocket"

Ashish Jindal - Consultant @ BCG , B.Tech IIT-B and MBA IIM-A


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Meet the Team

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We are a team of software engineers who started from the same bench in school and have now gather a range of experience working with top tech firms like Microsoft, Google, Goldman Sachs, Amazon in various geographies panning US, Australia and India. We 3 did our graduation from NIT Kurukshetra. 

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